The below information is required for BetterBot to connect to Yardi.
What Can This Integration Do?
- Create Guest Cards
- Read and Write to the Calendar
- Read Floorplans and Units Daily
- Read Pricing (only if Yardi Property Integration is setup)
What Tour Types are Supported?
- In-Person (Guided), Live-Video, and Self-Guided (Un-Guided)
- Days and Times are pulled from BetterBot
What Information is Needed to Make This Happen?
Client Tasks:
To enable this integration, you will need the latest version: Yardi Voyager Version 7S. If you are using an older release, please contact Yardi Support to request an update.
- Open a ticket in Yardi
- Configure BetterBot as a new user: This will allow BetterBot to access the necessary property(s)
- Granting BetterBot access to property(s): After adding BetterBot as a new user, grant it access to the required property(s) for it to function properly.
- Provide database connectivity parameters to BetterBot: Once BetterBot has been added as a new user and granted access to the necessary property(s), provide BetterBot with the following database connectivity parameters:
- URL: This is the URL for accessing the Yardi database.
- User Name: This is the user name for accessing the Yardi database.
- Password: This is the password for accessing the Yardi database.
- Server Name: This is the server name for the Yardi database.
- Database Name: This is the name of the Yardi database.
- The client creates or provides an Agent, Source, First Contact Event source, and Wait List Unit:
- Agent: Set the Agent as a portal so that leads can be reviewed by the site team.
- Source: Specify the name of the platform or system that is sending the leads to BetterBot, such as BetterBot or Chatbot.
- First Contact Event Type: Determine the type of interaction the lead had with your system, such as chat or other. "Chat" or "Other" are recommended.
- Create "Wait List" Unit or BetterBot will configure "First Available".
Note: For using "First Contact Type" - "Chat," the following prerequisites must be met:
- The client should be on 708 Residential Plug-in v7.4 (or higher). Confirm with your Yardi Account Managers or check the version in Administration > About in Voyager.
- Chat events also require specific permissions.
- The client should not be an international user.
For ILS Guest Card Set Up, please take a look at the screenshot below:
- Under the "Import and Export Residents/ Guest Activity Options", please make sure the "Use ChatLogs" button is checked.
- Under the "Export Resident/Guest Activity Options", make sure the "Export all guest cards, ignore interface association" button is checked.
Once this is provided, BetterBot will begin setting up the integration.
Setting up the chatbot might involve complex tasks initially, but it will become easier over time. Adding more bots to your system is a simple process that only requires granting us access.