BetterBot Terms & Cancel Process
Explanation of the BetterBot cancellation policy and process.
- The initial term for BetterBot is 90 days, after which it transitions to a month-to-month agreement. A 30-day cancellation notice is required.
- Billing for the implementation fee and monthly subscription fees will begin as soon as the bot/embed code is delivered to the client.
- If a partner or client wishes to drop or delete a bot, they must submit a cancellation request at least 30 days before the desired cancellation date.
- Submitted to one or both of these email addresses: and/or
- The Billing Team will process the cancellation, generate the final invoice, and send it to the client.
- The client will be notified to remove the bot from the website and all applicable digital marketplace platforms on the final day of the 30-day notice; i.e., Facebook, GMB, etc.
- The Billing Team will send a reminder to the client three (3) days prior to the end of the 30-day period to remove the bot.
- If the bot is not removed, BetterBot will disable the bot and/or cease sending any leads to the client.
- Once the 30-day notice has expired, BetterBot will archive the bot from the dashboard.
- If the client decides to reactivate the bot, BetterBot can restore the bot and update any needed content.
- There may be additional implementation fees based on the level of effort for the updates.